Monday, January 25, 2010

I Will Pour Out My Spirit in those Days

Matt :: sophomore :: criminal justice, sociology

My name is Matt, and I am a sophomore here at Iowa State who has prayed for revival for the last year. And I would like to apologize in advance for any run on sentences in this blog, because I am on my third red bull and have not slept for more than 48 hours.
Up until this morning I have never met Lance, I had no idea of his fast and prayers. We serve the Lord in different ministries, but as of today I am sure we serve the same God. And Jesus is on the move. The movement I am involved with has been asking God to give us a 24/7 prayer movement (which is exactly what it sounds like). Now God was making that happen (It has been attempted before and failed). I had faith that God would make sure there would always be someone there. One person keeping watch every hour of the day. That was my expectation and I was excited for it. I had no idea God had much better plans. We had just dedicated the room to God's glory and I then waited and began praying on the second prayer shift in the room.
It was difficult. We expected attacks from Satan and his demons and I assumed that, this was what this distraction was. So I prayed meekly,
"Jesus, if you are here come through the door. Meet me here. Get my attention"
My phone rang and a friend named Jordan was calling. I answered and was told he was under satanic attack physical, mental, and emotional. Well I told him come to the prayer room and I would pray for him. He headed over. Bo whose watch was about to start came into the room resolving to pray with us too. As Jordan walked over street lights went off as he went by. He felt weak like he was running a great distance and it was hard to get to the room. As I prayed God would send him quickly. He walked through the door and I went totally numb. Something was very very wrong. So we prayed.
Timidly at first as weak children begging their father for deliverance. Then we rebuked the lies we had been living under and held to the cross of Jesus. This is where things get crazy. The inexplicable. Too much. The spirit descended and we reacted. We laughed. We cried. And then we began screaming prayers to God. An hour passed. And another pray-er entered Matt (not me). I immediately prayed for him and he began to pray. He continued to do so for the next 6 hours taking no break.
My roommates came. Jordan called friends. And as people walked into the room of screaming men all felt the Spirit thrashing. And people responded. I saw God just work. People prayed. People preached. People sang. People laid flat on their faces in awe. I was speechless and God ensured HE and HE alone would receive the glory brought to Him that night. 28 people. The number of people Bo, Jordan and I prayed would enter the prayer room to pray together. And it happened in a matter of hours. As the prayer continued prophesy was given , words were spoken into the lives of other, and battle with demons became physical for some. A friend moved around the room physically attacking demons where he saw them. He said to me,
"Did you see that I just kicked a demon in the face. I am really freaked out, but I did."
Now some of you may have doctrinal qualms with how "charismatic" this prayer meeting was. So did I. However God did not care as his Spirit came down on these missional prayer warriors. Through out the night different people would be led to and find themselves quoting the same scripture. Unity of the body was a theme. But the two sections of scripture that kept coming up again and again were Chronicles 7:14 and Joel 2:28-32 and where it is quoted in Acts 2:17-21 when it was spoken at the day of Pentecost.
And amidst all this Holy chaos a man stood up to make this announcement,
"Dave has just accepted Jesus Christ into his life"
Yes 6 hours into the prayer room someone inside the room had already given their life to Christ. And Matt (not me) continued to pray. Something changed that night in an unmend-able way. Call it an awaking or revival. I call it God descending.
Today I saw students sharing the gospel. A friend led a girl to Christ. If you think you are ready for this, then you have no idea what is happening. I thought I was. And God proved me wrong. And I am so glad he did. This prayer meeting lasted from 11 pm to 7 am. And yes Matt (not me) prayed till dawn broke.


  1. Sorry this is so long. But a lot happened

  2. Don't apologize for the length of the message, Matt. When God moves, we could write for hours and hours and never capture exactly how awesome and breathtaking it is. It was really good to read this. : )


  3. been agreeing in prayer for Iowa State to see the glory of God...SO excited to hear He's visiting. Keep blogging and praying. I'll do the same.

  4. Matt, thanks for sharing this. i was a campus missionary at ISU for 97-2004 prayed with many for revival. i pastor in Nevada now. So I am close. if there is anything you need let me know. I'm a revival hound contending for a. move of God like this
    Greg Kinzle
